Tuesday 13 February 2024

The Grotto and the old settlement

Yesterday I was taken to a small cave system called The Grotto. The path in is fairly mossy, so my guide was very happy that there had been a few dry days.

We walked through the jungle to the limestone cave. There were several giant trees.

Including this one where I’m providing the perspective.

We got to the cave. You can see the sand at the bottom, but there’s also a couple of metres of clear water above the sand. And a red crab. It actually connects to the ocean, but from the ocean side, it’s very difficult to see where the cave is.

We then went along the path to see the coastline and the blowholes.

Including the dragon rock.

Later, I went snorkelling. I saw a very interesting sign at the roundabout, but when I went to the police station, it was closed.

I decided to visit Tai Jin House, originally the official residence of the governor of Christmas Island. It’s now a museum, but it’s shut because of Chinese New Year.

I took a photo from there across towards where I’m staying.

And the gun emplacement that was hastily added at the beginning of the Second World War.

I then continued around the road to where I took tonight’s sunset.

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