Wednesday 28 February 2024

Shark Bay

Today started with an early morning walk or a cruise along the coast at Shark Bay (which is a UNESCO World Heritage area). I decided that the walk might be too much so I waited for another hour for the cruise. Unfortunately, the ride to the coastline was really choppy (the walkers were completely saturated by waves breaking over the tender), so they called the cruise off. 

Later in the day we went to Dirk Hartog Island and had a swim. It was supposed to be a very wet landing, so I took my underwater camera. As I went wading with the camera (the water was very shallow), it got water drops in front of the lens, so most of my pictures were terrible. There were lots of birds on a sandbank. 

Behind the sandbank was a lagoon with lots of interesting things, including a teenage turtle.

Around the point was more beach, but it was pretty choppy and windy there.

But there were banks of molluscs sitting there.

And people found a number of shells.

When we went back, we started to our next destination, passing the most westerly point on the Australian mainland.

We weren’t allowed on deck because it was too rough, so I didn’t take a sunset photo.

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