Thursday 9 June 2016

Glacier Bay

The day was glorious. The bay is a highlight of the Inner Passage. We saw several humpback whales, but I don't think anyone got any pictures of them. But first, the cove the resort is on.

Then we visited South Marble Island for the sea lion, cormorant, puffin, and other seabird colonies.
And some Dall Goats

We went all the way to Grand Pacific Glacier, which has retreated 65 miles in 136 years.

Next to it is Margerie Glacier, which is expanding.

We then visited the Johns Hopkins glacier

And the Lamplugh glacier

The Reid glacier

It was such a nice day

Our guide kept telling us that this is the largest wilderness on earth except for the Antarctic. We saw no roads - but we did see a lot of cruise ships and people. I'm not sure I agree with this definition of wilderness.

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