Monday 13 June 2016


The ferry was interesting, as it was full of people who had gone to Celebrate 2016, so there were people drumming and singing, people beading... So it was good even though it ranged from solid rain to light rain, with the occasional patch of no rain. The decks all had about an inch of water to slop through in places.

First we went to Kake, and I managed to locate the enormous totem pole and photograph it.

Then was Peterberg

And the very narrow passage between the islands.

And finally, Wrangell.

This is the ferry and where I'm staying.

My view was better after the cruise ship left

I visited Chief Shake's island and clan house (it's a replica originally built in the 1940s, and rebuilt in 2000).

Then I found the petroglyphs on the beach.

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