Tuesday 14 June 2016

Last Glacier, Last Totem Pole

Well, this is it. Tonight, very late, I leave Wrangell on the ferry bound for Bellingham. No more Alaska for me.

Today I visited the Sitkine River and the Shake glacier. Everything around here is called after Chief Shake, and that wasn't his original name. Evidently he defeated another chief who wasn't even a Tlingit. The other chief needed to go home rather than to be a slave, so he gave his name to the Tlingit chief who had defeated him.

You see the lake before you see the glacier, and the icebergs in the lake are enormous - several times the size of the boat. I was amazed by the rocks that were carried on top of the iceberg.

Then the glacier. We couldn't go too close because the glacier continues underwater and pieces erupt from the water.

We stopped at the waterfall near the glacier, and I saw a frog.

On the way home we saw seals lying on a sunken sandbar in the middle of the straight.


Then I found the Totem Pole park.

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