Wednesday 1 June 2016

Too Many Photos

Maybe I did too much today, but I seem to have selected an enormous number of photos.

I wandered up to Chinatown, which is the oldest in Canada. Their sister city gave them a pair of lions. I think Melbourne's sister city also gave them a pair of lions. Maybe there is a factory in China that manufactures lions for every sister city.

Then I went to the Royal BC Museum. Never go to a museum when they open a major exhibit the following day. The museum is absolutely amazing. For the European human exhibit they had  what looked like a town street, with double story buildings that actually had an upstairs, a fully working gold sluicing operation complete with waterwheel, and most of a ship, that you could go into.

Their First Nations exhibit was really good too. I kept on going around in circles and it was very difficult to find the exits (I think I found one that isn't surposed to be an exit). 

Then I visited the gorge in a pickle boat.

I saw a statue of Captain Cook that could have been a duplicate of the one in Anchorage. I still don't think it looks like him.

And there are two miscellaneous photos.

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