Sunday 5 June 2016


I visited the Bulchart Gardens, Craigdarroch Castle and Government House. Because the castle closes at 4:30pm rather than 5pm, I only saw the grounds. The gardens of Government House are open to the public between sunrise and sunset. So I saw three sets of grounds.

The Bulchart gardens were somewhat marred by the sheer number of people in them. However, there was a lot in bloom, including the rose garden.

The Italian garden

The Japanese garden didn't have much in bloom

And neither did the sunken garden.

I even found some totem poles.

The castle didn't really have much in the way of garden.

But Government House made up for it. I liked its rose garden.

On the way we passed the town hall. The clocks were ordered from England, but were sent to Australia rather than Canada, so were installed a while later.

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