Saturday 18 June 2016

Well, maybe not...

I didn't realise we were stopping in Ketchikan when I wrote the last post, and Ketchikan prides itself on being the totem pole capital.

To get into town, I had to catch the bus.

They have several collections of totem poles, apart from the ones scattered randomly throughout the town. Saxman native village (south 5 miles from the ferry) has a thriving totem pole culture, as well as some original poles.  Totem Bright state park (north 7.5 miles from the ferry) has a long house and some totem poles, but no carvers. The Totem Heritage Centre (north 2.5 miles from the ferry, near downtown) has really old poles that were rescued from several villages in the Ketchikan area, remade versions and an interpretive centre. Obviously, that was the one I visited. It was small and crowded (two cruise ships were in), but very good. There were guides to answer any question you had about totem poles, and they were excellent.

I walked along the creek (married men's trail goes to the original red light district), had lunch there and walked all the way back to the ferry. 

Then I went to the museum.

There were a number of totem poles around the town, especially Chiefs totem poles.

The land is very steep, and houses have multiple steps to their front doors.

To get to the airport, people need to take a ferry, which stopped working while I was there.i came back a the lift in my ferry is going to be out for the rest of the trip.

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