Monday 8 October 2018


Before I left Percé I took another picture of the rock at sunset, and a picture of a gift shop.

The Gaspe Coast was known for its salt cod - two brothers from Jersey set up the salt cod fishery in 1743, and they ended up with centres up and down the coast. At least two are now historic sites (both closed because the season has ended) - one at Perce, and the main one, with 80 buildings at Banc-de-Peche-Paspébiac.

This morning I was thrilled that I didn’t need to remove ice from the car! I drove along the coast to the Miguasha fossil site, a world Heritage area with some of the best Devonian fossils. They had a fantastic exhibition, but the fossils are all surrounded by bacterial rock, so they can’t really be seen by eye.

One of the fish here is the link between fish and land animals.

Then I went to the museum of Arcadians in Quebec, which also had an exhibition of hooked rugs. The museum tells the story of what happened after the Arcadians were deported. Many ended up settling in Quebec, a lot here.

And, the scenery is still fantastic.

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