Friday 12 October 2018

New York

I never intended to be in New York for almost a day, but it appears to have happened.

We boarded the flight, and taxied toward the runway while watching the emergency video.

Then we waited. For two hours. Our pilot finally said there appeared to be a problem with the electrical system, so he was going back to the gate. That took another hour. They offloaded us exactly three hours after we were due to depart the airport.

After a further two and a half hours of standing in line (at about midnight), I was given vouchers for food and hotel accommodation. The hotel was the Radisson that is in almost the exact centre of Long Island. We arrived there were issued beds, and I reached my room at 2:20am - seven and a half hours after we were supposed to leave JFK. We are now about to fly out, but we were supposed to start boarding a few minutes ago.

So what do I think of New York?

It’s amazing. Completely different to my expectations.

They have a lot of accidents. In the three hours I have traveled the roads, I have seen eight. Several had a ring of police cars around them. I can’t remember the previous time I saw an accident. I drove through Montreal for a couple of hours through roadworks two days ago.

There are no skyscrapers, few apartments, and most of the place looks like normal suburbia. Maybe the apartments and skyscrapers are a giant hoax perpetuated on the rest of the world.

When we came in there was almost complete cloud cover. But I did see sandy beach and surf. These are also things I don’t associate with New York.

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