Tuesday 9 October 2018

Goodbye Gaspésie

The time has come to leave the Gaspésie peninsula. The weather was miserable. First it rained, then there was thick fog, then wind and rain.

I managed to find the National Historic site of the last battle between the French and the British - the Battle of Restigouche. As I expected, it was closed, so I couldn’t see the reconstruction of the French ship, but I took a photo of the coast and the plaques.

I stopped by a river on the way back to the St Lawrence. It was one of the many rest areas available in Quebec.

Next, was the Pointe-au-Pere lighthouse (also closed), an important historical site on the St. Lawrence River where pilots were trained to navigate the river. This was also the site where a cruise ship, the Empress of Ireland sank, and the Onondaga submarine can be walked through.

After that, I changed to the Auto road so I didn’t see anything else.

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