Friday 26 October 2018

The Driest Place on Earth

I’ve been to deserts, but never to places where not a single plant grows. Where the changes of colour are totally due to the different colours of the soil, and the snow on the mountains in the background. Where you are constantly mesmerised by the changing form of the earth as you drive along.

We went past the Valle de la Sol.

We went to the Valle de la Luna. This has a large rock formation called the Amphitheatre. We walked up the slope to the top. It was difficult going, because we were walking through dry sand.

Into a canyon. There are lots of salt crystals that have become rock salt because it’s so dry.

And to the Valle de la Muerte. Sunset arrived while we were here.

I took far too many photos, and the internet was only available in the lobby, so I got a long way behind with this blog.

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