Saturday 3 August 2019

Boat Down the MacKenzie

Firstly, a photo from our room at Fort Providence overlooking the MacKenzie river.

We boarded a motor boat to go down the MacKenzie river to Fort Simpson. As we boated down the river we saw ducks 


And black bears (we watched this one entering the water, having a swim, and then going back to his berry patch for a feed)

We visited Browning, a site where a barge lay decomposing, just steps from the river. This used to be a sawmill.

The ground was spongy, and there were mosses and fungi growing everywhere.

There were also roses.

I also took a photo of the boat. The river was fairly narrow at this point - it’s a really big river!

The river was beautiful, even though there had been many fires through the years.

We continued to Jean Marie River, where we had a marvellous lunch.

And then to Fort Simpson where the world’s largest tepee is located. Unfortunately, almost everyone had gone to Fort Providence for the MacKenzie days.

But we also saw their arbour (every town has an arbour where handball competitions and other things happen).

We also saw an old mooseskin boat - one that had been left to rot after it had been used to move a load downriver.

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