Tuesday 20 August 2019

Tundra Buggy

Churchill is the polar bear capital of the world. They take bear safety very seriously. We were accompanied by a bear patrol on each expedition. The polar bear safety brochure told us that we shouldn’t walk anywhere, and hotel staff advised us that there were bears around. Fellow guests even had pictures of bears that they had taken. 

To make matters worse, we didn’t have a tour booked for our last day. So when we were at Sloops Cove, we asked our companions what they were doing today. Tundra Buggies - to see the land around.

Today wasn’t pleasant - there was wind and rain, and it was quite old. The tundra buggies are kept away from town, and you’re taken there by bus. There are quite a few, and they even have a portable lodge for the winter that’s parked out on the coast where bears congregate.

They go along the coast

We saw many birds, including arctic swans 

Sandhill cranes

We even saw some bears. We didn’t want to disturb them, so we were a fair way away.

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