Thursday 15 August 2019

Prince of Wales Fort

This is Canada, where the English and the French fought each other for quite a while, and the English built many Star forts. Naturally, they built one here. Today we visited it. The Hudson Bay Company established here, and built the fort to replace their original trading post. It took forty years to build, and it was only operational for ten years. Then the cunning French snuck up on them, took them all captive, took all the loot, and blew up the fort. It’s being restored. It was built wrong, as the limestone mortar was made with salt water rather than fresh, so they’re replacing the mortar as well. This was part of the original location of the Hudson Bay Company, so it’s fairly important for Canadian history.

The fort is on the opposite side of Churchill River to the town, so we crossed by boat. As it’s polar bear season, they checked the peninsula before we went there, and sent out people around the perimeter to ensure the safety of the tour group. After visiting the fort, we spent time watching the beluga whales.

Then we visited the Eskimo Museum. The Catholic Bishop asked Inuit people for carvings of their legends. Many of these are in the museum.

There are also other artefacts from that time, like the caribou bow and arrows.

As well as items from earlier Inuit peoples of this region.

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