Monday 5 August 2019


Today I took 184 photos. Nahanni was absolutely stunning. It’s amazing what erosion can do. I suspect there’s nowhere like it on earth.

In the middle of the park are the Victoria Falls - twice as high as Niagara. They are immense.

To get there, we took a float plane from Fort Simpson.

We flew out over where the Laird joins the MacKenzie river (the Laird is full of silt and you can see the dirty water plume joining the clean MacKenzie water).

We flew out over the plains until the Nahanni range came into view.

Then we flew over several ranges

And landed above the falls (you can see the plane in this photo)

We walked to the falls

Took off, and flew through more canyons 

Saw some Dahl Sheep 

To Little Doctor Lake, where we stayed the night, and saw a bear.

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