Friday 16 August 2019

Sloops Cove

We got up early to visit Sloops Cove. The estuary was very windy, so the trip across on the zodiac was rough.

We went up a slight hill, and down into Sloops Cove. I looked back and could see the bear patrol people above us.

Sloops Cove was where the Hudson Bay Company beached their sloops before they built the fort. Because the land in this area is rebounding from 3km thick ice sheets, the land is now nine metres higher than it was at that time.

Our Dene guide described how her grandparents lived in the hut behind her in the 1970s. They were relocated to Churchill from Little Duck Lake in 1956, and eventually settled here.

We walked along the peninsula toward the fort we saw yesterday, listening to our guide and eating berries from the ground. Some of it was almost tundra.

But there were some patches of trees.

We went to the top of the hill and could see the entire area including Sloops Cove below us.

We could also see the fort.

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