Sunday 10 September 2017

And Glaciers

This will be a long post...

It rained for most of the night, and was bleak this morning. Nothing in Iceland seems to open before 10am - the supermarket, the swimming pool, the museum... but waterfalls don't close. So, I revisited Seljalandsfoss, and at 8am there weren't as many people. I saw another waterfall from the road on the way to the next one - Skogafoss (which is actually the one on every advertisement for Iceland). Even though I was early, and it was bleak, the masses were already arriving - I'm glad I went there first. So that explains the three Waterfall pictures.

Next, I backtracked to the first museum of the day. This was the Eyjafjallajokull Visitor Centre, opposite a large farm underneath the icecap - with information about  the volcano above them erupting and disrupting thousands of airlines with its ash. The eruptions melted the glacier, which sent ash filled floods that broke the roads, and the services. Then the ash started to fall on the farm. The whole museum was very well done.

Then I went back to Skoda, to the museum there. It has displays of traditional costume, tools, the way of life, and a number of original houses that have been moved here. I included the loom for dad. This museum also had a technology museum as part of it, showing how different technologies came to Iceland. Well worth visiting.

Continuing my journey to Vik, I debated about going to the coast, because it was quite windy. I ended up going to Reynisfjara beach to see the caves with various volcanic formations. This was one of the places that I really wanted to see. There are also several sea rocks, which are attributed to trolls turning to stone when the sun came up.

The last pictures are of a few glaciers I saw today, and the final one is of where I'm camping tonight.

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