Wednesday 20 September 2017


Today was wet - it still is, and I had a long look at the campground to try to find the least sodden spot.        It rained quite vigorously, so a number of the pictures have rain spots on the lens.

I started by visiting the largest hot springs in the world - Deildartunguhver. With all the rain, the steam probably isn't that impressive. Nearby are two strange waterfalls, the Barnifoss, which really doesn't look like a waterfall, where there used to be a rock bridge above the turbulence, but it was removed after two children drowned there. The other is Hraunfosser, the lava falls, which all enter the river from springs over 900 metres.

The Icelandic sagas were largely recorded by Snorri Sturluson, and I visited where he lived. They have unearthed the building, and there is also a pool, garden and turfed cattle shed.

 Then I visited the Settlement exhibition, which was quite interesting (and a relief from the constant rain). I travelled around Hvalfjordor, and saw another waterfall and where the British and American navies had their main bases in Iceland during WWII.

Then I came to Thingvellir, where the first Icelandic parliament was, and where the rift between the continents is very visible.

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