Friday 15 September 2017

More Waterfalls

This morning I took the scenic drive up, over the mountains to Seydisfjordur - the town where the ferry from Denmark comes once a week. Quite a few people bring their caravans or RVs or hire transport in Europe and bring them across on the ferry. From the top of the pass you have a glorious view of Lake Lagerfljot - but I could only get half in the picture.

On the return, I noticed that there was a trail to two waterfalls near the pass, so I visited them both. The next two waterfalls were on the road to the lava fields, a desolate area of the highlands where five different types of lava flow have been recorded.

In the middle of the lava fields is the Jokulsa river that has carved a 25km long canyon into the area including three more waterfalls I visited today the Selfoss (a horseshoe shaped fall), Dettifoss (biggest in Europe) and another one that I can't locate the name and that I couldn't get close to.

Then I came here, and there is no wifi and no power! However it is warmer than anywhere else I have been today (there is snow that fell last night in some pictures). At one stage, I decided that the rain had turned to ice, I had wind, and sunshine and a rainbow appeared - so I had a bit of everything! 

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