Friday 8 September 2017

Icelanders are Fantastic!

When I was in Singapore, I left my distance glasses behind. This could have been a disaster since I can't see very far without them, and I left the spare pair behind. However, enter Icelanders. I caught the taxi to the camper van place, and the driver mentioned that there was a glasses shop where I was going. The camper place has a really nice hostel, and because I couldn't immediately take the camper they gave a night for free!

Although the internet didn't know about the glasses shop, because the taxi driver had told me about it, the guys at the camper place found where it was, and showed me where to go. At home, to get an optometrist appointment takes a few days - they are so busy - but when I showed up, they said I could have an appointment in 5 to 10 minutes - was I happy to wait that long? At home, because my prescription is poor, it takes a week to get a new pair of glasses. They asked me to come back later after they had seen whether they could do it sooner. It will take two days in Iceland, and the glasses are cheaper! So I will "lose" 2 days from my trip.

However, I went to one of the local museums - which isn't in the guidebooks, and it was fantastic. It had an enormous exhibition of models of local fishing boats, with fishing paraphernalia around the walls. It has an exhibition of the geology of the area - which is a UNESCO Global Geopark. It had a total of seven exhibitions - all of them incredibly interesting. This area is part of the rift between America and Europe. All in all, I had decided to skip this area when I made my plans, and I am really glad that I will spend time here!

It also gives me some time to recover from the 36 hours of travel, and to stock up on supplies. So I haven't lost anything, and gained quite a lot. 

Reykjanesbaer was a fishing village, which grew. Unfortunately the coast was getting eaten away, so they had to put an enormous number of basalt boulders along the shore to prevent all the erosion. After that happened, the children couldn't see the sea. The suggested a platform with two trolls be set up so they could see the sea again. This complements the troll's cave that was already there. The next picture shows the new trolls at the left and the old troll's cave at the right with all the stones showing just how much has been done. There is an bay between them..

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