Sunday 9 September 2018


The airport at Goose Bay has several aircraft in a park near the car park. When we took off, I took a photo of the land around.

We flew into Halifax, and the land was quite different.

I went to Windsor, where the game of ice hockey is said to have originated in the rather lavish home of Thomas Chandler Haliberton who wrote for The Novoscotian, and then moved to England and became an MP.

Finally, I found Grande Pre, the home of the Arcadians, who were originally French, and were used as pawns in the battle between the French and the English for the Atlantic Coast. They created land in the area of the bay of Fundy by building dykes and reclaiming a large amount of fertile land. Ten thousand were deported to places including Louisiana, where we know them today as Cajuns. Some were deported to Virginia, which insisted on them being deported again. Over 50% of these people died on ships that were taking them to France. I included a view over some of the reclaimed land, and the memorial church built where a village once stood.

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