Wednesday 26 September 2018


Yesterday I traveled to Montreal by train. I was in the aisle, and the two people in the window seats closed the curtain, so I couldn’t see much.

Today it rained.However, I’m in Old Montreal, and it is superb. I’m opposite Marche Bonseceurs, the original market.

I visited Pointe-a-Calliere where they have dug up the original site of Montreal. You walk among the ruins, including the original sewer.

They include a lot of the history, including the treaty between the French and at least 30 different Indian tribes, that allowed the French to take over the entire interior of North America down to Louisiana. One room was devoted to the customs house site, and when I got out - there was the building!

It also had an exhibition of the Egyptian Queens, including some amazing stuff, some of which you may recognise.

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