Friday 7 September 2018


The approach to Nain is absolutely stunning. Although it was still windy, because Nain is on a long straight fjord, we didn’t have rough seas and we had a beautiful sunny day. 

We saw a small whale as we docked and a plane coming in just before that. Because we were still behind time, we only stayed at Nain for two hours. Even so, we were leaving three hours late.

The old museum in Nain was burnt down, and the new one hasn’t been finished yet, but is is a beautiful building reflecting the rock face that overlooks the town from the other side of the fjord. 

My first stop was the supermarket for insect repellent, since as soon as I disembarked the wind died and the black flies gathered around me in droves.

I climbed up the hill and found a scenic path that overlooked the fjord and the town. It finished near the Moravian church. 

Several fishing boats and a speedboat were launched while we were there. This was the most northerly port for the ferry.

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