Thursday 20 September 2018

Textile Museum of Canada

The textile museum of Canada was both fantastic and frustrating. It currently has two special exhibitions (both very good, but one wasn’t Canadian), and no standard displays (I would have liked to see a range of Canadian textiles).

The first exhibition was of Nancy Crow and some of her students - a curated exhibition that has a book associated with it that I had already seen. I really liked seeing it in the flesh.

The second was titled Crosscurrents: Canada in the Making. It included a lot of indigenous work - both current and after European contact - stuff made for trade and not for cultural use. Beaded work by many of the different groups, as well as a mat made from cedar.

But the most interesting were two pieces of finger woven cloth.

There were also many pieces from various settlers. Several woven coverlets by weavers who had escaped the industrial revolution were the most interesting for me.

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