Wednesday 5 September 2018


Postville was much steeper than the other settlements I’ve seen, and it’s the smallest one served by the ferry. 

A guide came with a vehicle to take people on a tour, but a number of us missed it. I wandered around the town instead.

After we left, there was a storm and the seas became rather rough, with five metre waves, so they closed the hatches to the outside and I didn’t get to see much of the coast. I have a porthole, but with the rain, and the waves, it was really difficult to see out. Needless to say, our evening meal was delayed. We were bumping from wave to wave.

On the second visit to Postville, we all met the guide who dropped us off at the end of the boardwalk. It wandered through the forest 

and down to Sandy Cove 

and the cemetery. 
Further on it opened out and we saw whales in the bay and a waterfall.

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