Sunday 9 September 2018

White Elephant

Early this morning, I went to the Halifax Public Gardens -the best Victorian public gardens in North America.

The Halifax Citadel was built after the British had taken complete control of Nova Scotia, and they were worried about the Americans invading Canada. The fort has never seen any battles. It is enormous, and has a moat, and an incredible number of gun positions. Currently the moat is being used to recreate WWI trenches. They also had a model of some of the Canadian trenches in France. I found this really interesting - I had never realised that trenches were in zigzags, nor that they had rooms in them.

The museum of natural history had a lot of information about the Mi’kmaq people who were native to Nova Scotia.

The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic had some lighthouse lights, and very good exhibits on the 1917 Halifax explosion and the Titanic (complete with an original deck chair).

The last picture is of the shops opposite where I’m staying.

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