Friday 28 September 2018

Lower Quebec City river

I took a picture of the street where I stayed before I left Montreal today.

The train trip was good, going through farmland with corn fields and contented cattle, mixed with lots of deciduous forest with the trees beginning to turn. At the end of the trip was Quebec City Railway Station, which must be seen to be believed!

The first thing of note I saw in Quebec City was the biggest granary I've ever seen in my life.

After settling in, I found the Museum of civilisation, which had a lot of indigenous work. Unfortunately, it closed before I had seen it all, so I walked further around the lower city.

The tides have eaten away the banks of the Lawrence river here, so they’re very steep escarpments, as you can see from the view of the other bank. On the Quebec City side, a lot of the land has been progressively reclaimed, so they now have a deep water port that can even take cruise ships like the Disney Magic.

The escarpment makes the location of Quebec City a natural site for a fortress - it is protected by the escarpment on three sides, and the river is much narrower here than elsewhere. Also, the river becomes shallower fairly soon after Quebec City. However, the citadel and the fortifications in the lower city are quite imposing.

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