Thursday 6 September 2018


When we arrived at Natuashish there was a dock but no town. We only stayed there for an hour to try to make up time. Normally the ferry arrives there at midnight and leaves at 8am, so we were five hours behind when we left.

I walked up to the top of the hill on the road from the docks. The scenery was marvellous.

At the top I could just see some of the town.

 The day was finally sunny and it gradually got warmer as we went to Nain. However, while we were on the ocean, it was still a bit rough. 

As we turned to go down the long fjord to Nain, there was still snow on some of the northern mountains, which I think are part of the Tortuk Range National Park.

We didn’t see Natuashish a second time because we arrived there at midnight and left at 2am.

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