Friday 6 May 2016


It started snowing as I left the campground this morning. Not hard, but for several hours as I wandered along, so today's view wasn't what it could have been. However, the cedars (or whatever they are) looked marvellous with a sprinkling of snow. Especially as the lake was covered in snow. It looked like Santa Claus lived there.

Of course there were a few ice covered lakes.

There were some beautiful lakes on the way. This is Lake Boya, which is supposed to look different because it has shells on its floor.

Even better, there was a walking track to what was described to me as "the best beaver dam I have ever seen - and I'm a Canadian!"

And so onto the Alaskan Highway and Yukon. The scenery immediately changed to broad vistas.

There is a special part of Canada where the North American plate pushed up what is known as Quesnelllia, and this was part of it.

This is Where I'm staying tonight.

By the way, wifi is extremely problematic here. Last night wifi was only available from the resteraunt - the same happened tonight, but tonight you also got logged on for an hour at a time, so I can't stand outside the resteraunt when I finish this post - it will be sent tomorrow.

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