Saturday 14 May 2016

Still in Seward

Until Alaska, campgrounds were virtually empty. The one in Seward had a lot of people when I arrived, and there are now about five spots left, in a campground that stretches all along the foreshore, and has at least 500 RVs in it. So I will be staying here again tonight (Saturday) in the hopes that the other side of the Kenai peninsula will have spots then, as everyone from Anchorage will have gone back to work.

When I was coming here, mine was the only car in a long line that continued on th Seward - everyone else went over toward Homer, which has a festival on this weekend.

I am in the library, so I can get wifi and send my blog posts.

Although everything is full, it only opened last weekend. I am in a tshirt because it's quite warm. Today I did my washing, walked around town and visited the museum and the visitors centre. I am about to check if any of the RV campgrounds have places.

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