Wednesday 4 May 2016

The coast?

The totem poles of Gitanyow are quite famous, as they are a large collection of them - there used to be about 50, but they were deteriorating, so they gave up some, and some were replaced by replicas, and others stayed, so now there are about 20 (I also saw at least ten in storage). And there is a totem pole museum, which explains the totem poles. Unfortunately the museum was shut.

Stewart and Hyder are on the Portland canal, and are therefore on the Pacific Ocean! This is a view of the Pacific Ocean from Hyder. Stewart is a Canadian town founded by two American brothers, while Hyder is a US town named after a Canadian.

The road to Stewart is very picturesque, and goes down a narrow gorge in places. The Bear glacier can be seen from the road.

Today's campsite is by the lake.

The Cassier highway has lots of black bears (I had to stop twice because a bear was on the road), and there was snow under the trees everywhere you looked. Life is getting colder.

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