Saturday 14 May 2016

Lazy Day

I spent a second day in Valdez, and wandered about the town, looked at a museum and did a couple of trails. At 5pm I saw the Eagles feeding again. Although I took a number of shots, and I can see them in the camera, I can't transpose them to my tablet! It looks like there is something about the card. So you will just have to imagine the photos, until after I get home. I tried many times, and this is the reason the post is late.

The museum was a collection from a gift shop owner, who specialised in stuffed animals. There was a good collection of mammals - bears (polar bears are absolutely enormous), moose, elk, foxes, Lynx...

She also specialised in stones and indigenous artifacts. She encouraged some to dig up stuff and had a marvellous collection of flake implements and arrow heads - but with no information about where they came from. She also encouraged indigenous people to make things for her to sell - baskets, jackets... Some of them were making things that weren't from their culture - like baleen baskets, when they had never used baleen in this way. So I came away somewhat frustrated, although I really liked the work on some of the jackets.

One of the walks gave good views over the town. The other one showed how difficult this time of year is, when ice melts, and drainage systems and roads throughout the town need to be repaired.

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