Saturday 14 May 2016

Out of WiFi

Firstly I went on one last trail around Valdez. This one overlooks the bay.

The Glenn highway is almost as good as the Richardson. One problem with taking pictures is that the trees are all dense. Both the local conifers and the birches grow as thickets. So whenever they build a scenic viewpoint, or any other stopping place, within a short amount of time, it is surrounded by trees which stop you from being able to photograph the view. The roads generally don't have anywhere to stop (particularly if you are in a wide RV) in the scenic sections. So every photo is of less scenic places. 

Added to this, the trees in Alaska just aren't as nice as they could be. Evidently much of Alaska is subject to forest fires from lightening, so there are a lot of areas of young trees, and any older ones look worse. 

After Anchorage I didn't take any pictures, as I will be travelling the same road again, and it was getting late. However, skirting along the side of the bay was beautiful. Americans appear to take road signs as a challenge. There are plenty of "Avalanche area next 3 miles do not stop" signs that include pull over areas in the three miles, and you often find people pulled over, and even walking along the road, admiring the waterfalls or the scenery. Like in Ecuador, there are a lot of waterfalls going down the cliffs in Avalanche areas. On the way around the bay there was suddenly a sign "no pull overs for next 10 miles", and of course immediately after the sign there were at least 25 cars parked at the side of the road. I think they were all looking for clams. It was a narrow road with no pull overs.

Saw three more moose today - still no caribou.

Tonight's camp has no WiFi, and has a lot more people than others I have been to, probably as the Kenai peninsula is close to Anchorage. However, it does have a view. I'll be here tomorrow night as well. A lot of the campgrounds inland on the peninsula are still closed.

And just to finish with one caravan actually parked here. It even has a balcony!

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