Wednesday 11 May 2016

More about animals

I have been looking at thee difference between moose, elk and caribou. A moose crossed the road in a stately manner two days ago, when I was on my way to North Pole. The animals I saw the previous day were both elk.

Canadians call ground squirrels gophers, and they are the animal I have been seeing which sits at the side of the road (on the white line) waiting for a motorist. They then hurtle across the entire road, either trying to get run over, or to give the driver a fright. They lose their impact when there is one every fifty metres.

Snowshoe hares are very attractive at the moment because they are white underneath and brown on top, and the white hair is longer than the brown. I have seen a lot of these.

I also saw a wolf on the road into Alaska.

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