Saturday 21 May 2016

Where it is wet

Whittier has 97 inches of rain every year, and 36 or so feet of snow (the record is 46 feet), and is the wettest place in the US. 90% of the population live in one building (originally the officers quarters), but the school is over the road. There is a tunnel from the housing complex to the school. The other big building is the barracks, but it hasn't been used since the 1964 earthquake. There is an enormous Kittiwake rookery opposite.

To get there you need to drive through a dual use railway/automobile one way tunnel which is two and a half miles long.

I went on a 26 glacier tour of prince William Sound. This is college fjord, where all the glaciers are named after US colleges. 

We saw a humpback whale in Esther Passage.

And sea otters with their babies on top.

Surprise glacier had sea lions, seals and more sea otters.

There was a cave with a waterfall at Baker glacier.

And goats in the hills

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